Years ago they named their first juniorsecondaryschool after the first principal in the village -the late Principal Jacob Magamana.
Most of the learners' toilets at Mndundu JuniorSecondarySchool are broken.
A private sixth-form college has announced plans to open the State's first commercially-run juniorsecondaryschools in Dublin, Cork and Limerick.
Remember the name Debbie Dulamo: The Grade 7 learner addressed her classmates on the grounds of Khindlimukani JuniorSecondarySchool, in Gauteng.
At Mvuzo JuniorSecondarySchool in Qamata village, also in Cofimvaba, the education department told teachers to destroy all broken pit toilets.
Uso de lower secondary school en inglés
Background: Studies show that adolescents attending upper secondary schools are less likely to smoke than their peers attending lowersecondaryschool types.
Nearly half (n = 374, 47.3%) of women had lowersecondaryschool or vocational training as highest education level.
- About 62 million girls of primary and lowersecondaryschool age are not in school.